Visual Arts: research and creation

Code: ΕΡ 748

Semester: 7


Anastasia Douka

Teaching Assistant: Eva Vaslamatzi

Course description

Studio class that focuses on artistic practice and applied research as creative tools for the creation of individual art projects. It explores the overlap between studio and scholarly production, the starting points of artistic research as it feedbacks, describes, explores and discovers new creative resources.The research process defines part of empirical and intuitive knowledge through recording, observation, lived experience and performative action. The workshop completes the turn from research and creation to inference and critical awareness. Class follows a series of hands-on and skill based assignments and short-form written exercises common to workshop participants before the students’ personal areas of interest are highlighted.

Suggested bibliography

• Leavy Patricia, Η Καλλιτεχνική Δημιουργία ως Μέθοδος, επιστ. επιμ. Λέτσιου Μαρία
• Lucy Lippard, Six Years: the dematerialization of the art object from 1966 to 1972, University of California Press, 1997
• Penny P. Harvey et al., Objects and Materials, Routledge, 2014
• Agnes Martin, Writings, Hate Kantz, 1997
• Pierre Bourdieu, Η αίσθηση της πρακτικής, Aλεξάνδρεια, 2006.
