Theory of Art

Code: ΥΠ 222

Semester: 2


Elpida Karaba

Course description

The course offers an understanding of the theoretical or philosophical perspectives is considered imperative for the engagement with art. The course aims at providing students a more comprehensive and critical understanding of the relationship of artistic activity to the entirety of the cultural environment in which it occurs. Emphasis is placed on the artistic production of different cultures, and the relationships between them, as well as the relationship of contemporary art with this artistic production, transfers and counter-transfers, and important exhibitions-stations related to the above.



Suggested bibliography

Bibliography in Greek

  • Freeland, Cynthia, Μα είναι αυτό τέχνη; Εισαγωγή στη θεωρία της τέχνης, Πλέθρον, Αθήνα, 2005.
  • Jimenez, Marc, Τι είναι η αισθητική; Νεφέλη, Αθήνα, 2014.
  • Cometti, Jean-Pierre, Jacques Morizot, Roger Pouivet, Ζητήματα Αισθητικής, Νήσος, Αθήνα, 2005.
  • Ferry, Luc, Homo Aestheticus. Η επινόηση της καλαισθησίας στη δημοκρατική εποχή, Ευρυδίκη, Αθήνα, 2011.
  • Δασκαλοθανάσης, Νίκος, Ο καλλιτέχνης ως ιστορικό υποκείμενο από τον 19ο στον 21ο αιώνα, Άγρα, Αθήνα, 2004.
  • Δασκαλοθανάσης, Νίκος, Ιστορία της τέχνης 1945-1975, futura, Αθήνα, 2021.