Socially Engaged Art

Code: ΕΠ 628

Semester: 6


Course Instructor: Anastasia Douka



A laboratory of research and artistic methods investigating the relationship between art and activism. The course focuses on the study and understanding of phenomena and projects of socially engaged art and attempts projects-processes of empowerment of the citizen and the creator through participatory design. Selected case studies high-light the role of community initiatives, interventionist art in public space, productive economy and collaborative management of the commons, ephemeral nature of actions and projects, being and becoming beyond institutional contexts. The course encour-ages the design and practice of artistic proposals that engage and organize communi-ties around aesthetics, ethics and collaboration.




• Το πολιτικό στη σύγχρονη τέχνη, Συλλογικό, επιμ. Γ.Σταυρακάκης & Κ. Σταφυλάκης, Εκδ. Εκκρεμές, 2008
• Το Μανιφέστο της Φροντίδας: η πολιτική της αλληλεξάρτησης, μτφ. Χρ. Σμυρνίωτη, Εκδ. Ροπή, 2022
• Living as Form: Socially Engaged Art from 1991-2011, Nato Thompson, The MIT Press, 2017
• Education for Socially Engaged Art: A Materials and Techniques Handbook, Pablo Helguera, Jorge Pinto Books, 2011
• One Place after Another: Site-Specific Art and Locational Identity, Miwon Kwon, The MIT Press, 2004.
• In the Aura of a Hole: Exploring Sites of Material Extraction, A.Laurie Palmer, Black Dog Publishing, 2014.


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