Internship Program
The Internship Programme (IP) of the Department of Culture, Creative Media and Industries has been designed in such a way as to enhance professional performance and development after the graduation. It offers the opportunity for students to explore possible future employment and learn the peculiarities of their field of knowledge. Within the framework of the programme, students can work as full-time employees, for a particular period of time, usually a number of months, in Greek and international organizations as well as in public and private institutions, and in subjects and practical applications related to Culture, Creative Media and Industries.
Implemented during the eighth (8th) semester and thereafter, the Internship Programme is compulsory and ungraded. Upon its successful completion is indicated in the diploma annex. Students can only start the Internship when they have successfully obtained 120 ECTS in total. In the case of an internship that is to be carried out abroad, students must meet the additional criterion of proven knowledge of the language in which the supervision and implementation of the internship will take place.