Vavva Georgia

Academic fellow

Anthropology of music


Personal webpage:, pure.rhul.GeorgiaVavva

Research Interests: Anthropology of music – Music and globalization – Urban ethnomusicology – Gentrification – Ethnographies of the economic crisis in the Mediterranean – Research methods

Georgia Vavva is an ethnomusicologist with a background in music and anthropology. She holds a BA in Music Studies (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens) and an MA in Social Anthropology with Distinction (Queen’s University Belfast). In 2019 she completed her Ph.D. in Ethnomusicology in Royal Holloway, University of London, funded by the Crossland Research Scholarship. Her research concerns music and the economic crisis in Greece with a particular focus on the Athenian jazz scene in the post-2010 period. She specializes on music and globalization, the politics of value, urban music cultures and change, and the ethnography of the economic crisis in the Mediterranean. She has published at Polyphony and The Greek Review of Social Research.